I want to recommend Astro Essences as being very helpful during major changes such as that of the progressed sun or moon moving into new signs.

I was struggling to adjust to the unfamiliar energies of my progressed sun moving into firebrand Aries after 30 years in water-soaked Pisces, including being amazed by some of my own outspoken, assertive and individualistic behaviour – not all of it beneficial.

So I sought Janet Menefy’s advice and she recommended that I try the Aries Sun Astro Essence. I have been using this essence for 3 months now and over that time a subtle adjustment has happened leaving me feeling more integrated, at ease and productive with the fire energy.

I am sure that astrologers will be able to identify other situations where Astro Essences can also be of benefit – particularly where an energy is unfamiliar or unintegrated like Aries was for me.