Welcome to Himalayan Flower Enhancers
Flower Essences from Fresh Flowers.
These flower essences are vibrational healing remedies made from fresh flowers (some from The Parvati Valley of the Indian Himalayas). Others are from Australian fungi. They are lovingly collected and made by us for this unique range of flower essences.
Himalayan Flower Enhancers encompasses Himalayan Flowers, Flowers of the World, Gulaga Essences, Tasmanian Wilderness Essences and more. They are all vibrational healing remedies. We also call them “flower” essences, although some of the product range is made from fungi, quartz crystal and black tourmaline.
Flower remedies and flower essences have been known of for many thousands of years. They affect the energy body, mind and emotions. If you look at the descriptions of our flower essences you will find they address this “inner world”, to aid and support balance and wholeness.
We make the essences ourselves, travelling the world to find fresh flowers and fungi. Back in the 1990s, our product range started with himalayan flowers from the pristine environment of the Himalayas, so we named our product Himalayan Flower Enhancers. (read more)
Uniquely Australian Flower Essences
We also have flower essences sourced from Australian Native Flowers, and fungi. Mt Gulaga (nr Tilba Tilba, NSW Australia) inspired the 15mL Gulaga Essences range. It includes essences from fungi native to the region, quartz crystal and black tourmaline.
The newest additions to the HFE product range are Pangong Tso and Crises Care essences from the Himalayan Flowers range.
Use these flower essences as an aid to self-enquiry. Enhance your self-enquiry… go deeper into self-enquiry. If you are willing to look at underlying issues they can support healing and resolution.
“… and they called themselves Flower Enhancers, saying that they are not remedies for something that is wrong in man, rather their work is to enhance what is right, by shining their lights or vibrational frequency into particular parts of the human body, opening them up and dispelling any darkness blocks or stored negativity.”
– Tanmaya, from The Flowers’ Story
What is a Vibrational Remedy?
Himalayan Flower Enhancers are a vibrational remedy that works on subtle levels. These essences are made by a delicate process of attunement and ceremony, silence and intent.
Natural sunlight imprints the fresh flower’s “vibration” into water or alcohol. The result is a unique “signature” or healing essence. The flower head is used because it is the highest manifestation of the life force of a plant, and water is an ideal medium because it is thought to have a memory.
Once the flower is infused in spring water the water retains an imprint. The flowers’ imprint or signature can be likened to a mental or emotional state and when taken can affect the subtle body. Himalayan Flower Enhancers can be used like other traditional flower essences. We have added alcohol as a preservative, so that the Himalayan Flower Enhancers remain indefinitely preserved and will keep their unique qualities.
What do I use them for?
One way to use these flower remedies is as an aid to self-enquiry. You will notice from the individual descriptions of these essences that they address an “inner” world.
See 7 suggestions on how you can use these essences to customise them for your own use. The 15mL stock essences are suited for use in mist sprays and lotions.
Are they perfumed?
These flower enhancers are water-based with the addition of alcohol as a preservative, unscented and contain only the energetic vibrational properties of the plants. There are no fragrances added to our 15mL dropper bottles. They are safe to take internally.
Natural Fragrance Sprays
The 50mL Mist Sprays contain some added essential oils which may have a natural fragrance.
The 30mL Tasmanian Wilderness Essence sprays contain organic Tasmanian Boronia oil which has natural fragrance.
The Mist Sprays & Tasmanian Wilderness Essences sprays, are for external use only.
Himalayan Flowers
The flowers for the Himalayan Flower essences are sourced in the Parvati Valley of the Indian Himalayas. Parvati was Lord Shivas beloved and tantric consort. This is a beautiful metaphor in describing the energies of these essences and the land they come from: a passionate exploration for truth through the vehicle of this body, transforming all perceived obstacles and challenges into love and awareness.
This very place the Lotus paradise, this very body the Buddha.
– Hakuin’s Song of Meditation
Tasmanian Wilderness Essence Sprays
Fungi from the far south Tasmanian Wilderness
Read about the creation of these unique essences
These fungi mostly grow in the wilderness areas of the far south of Tasmania in ancient myrtle forests – only the tip of South America is further south on our planet. These beech-myrtle trees are hundreds of years old and as a species date back over 780,000 years to Gondwanaland. It provides the perfect environment for these wonderful fungi to grow and embody something magical.
Next Family Constellation Workshop
8th March, 2025
Disclaimer: Himalayan Flower Enhancers are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements and suggestions in this website are not a substitute for the medical advice of a trained health professional. We believe in our product but leave it up to the individual to take a responsible approach to their health care needs.